Getting to know you

Project A-Kon 16



My Ugly Mug

Under the influence of...

It's all that you never wanted!

Oh yes, this is where you get to see what I find ammusing, and perhaps get a little bit of insight into the madness. I am working towards geekdom. So if you want to become a pseudo-geek, you've come to the right place.

And now... the list!

My Pages
My Livejournal

Where I keep all my secrets!

My Fan Club

Oh come let us addore me!

My Blurty

More secrets revealed!

My Diaryland

I just don't have the heart to get rid of this thing!

Favorite Sites
Grimm's Fairytale's

The real stories... all morbid and weird and... yech. I like it!

Homestar Runner!

You must read Strongbad's E-mails.

Albino Black Sheep

Really funny flash cartoons!

Fushigi Yugi: Hotohori

He's so hot! ^^

Queer Duck

He's intelectual, he's homosexual; please don't think that he's preverse. He's the patient's favorite male nurse!


Drop me a note. My precious pets are Prewnella and iibonzoii. <3


Huge anime conference. Oh yeah!

Jesus of the week

Different pics of Jesus, with a funny twist.


Everything you need to know about being Catholic!